I have two components Parent Component
and Child component
, I have an API that takes place in the Parent component
and the response value is passed to the child component
. currently I am using ngOnChanges
but I want to know how to use Setters
assume In the ParentComponent
I have the below code:
<ChildComponent [apiResponse]="res" />
and in the ChildComponent
I have this:
@Input() apiResponse: any;
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
Every time the apiResponse
changed the ngOnChanges
function will fire and prints the value in the console.
if I want to achieve the result but with the use if Setters
. as in other scenario I might have multiple inputs and I don't want ngOnChanges
to get fired every time an input's value changed.
Instead of:
@Input() apiResponse: any;
get apiResponse(): any {return this._apiResponse;}
set apiResponse(value: any) {
this._apiResponse = value;
// do whatever else you want to do here
private _apiResponse: any;
In the code above, the only really necessary part is the setter function. Without that, you cannot pass in the values from the parent components via @Input()
's. The rest is just a matter of what you want. For example, if you want to save the value to use it later, you need the private member (or a BehaviorSubject
or anything you think it's good for storing a value):
set apiResponse(value: any) {
// do whatever else you want to do here
_apiResponse$: BehaviorSubject<any> = new BehaviorSubject<any>(null);
In the example above, notice that I haven't made the subject a private member. I suppose you want to use it in the template, so, even though it should be private (not part of the component API), I can't do that because the template needs to access it. The underscore is something to indicate that such a public member is not part of the API.