
Simple Gaussian Process Simulation on R

How to simulate a Gaussian process X(t), t = 1, . . . , 200, with mean value function m(t) = 0 and covariance function r(h) = Cov(t, t + h) = exp(-|h|). I Know that this process is sometimes referred to as the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process but how to plot the simulated process.

Thanks in anticipation


  • Following the Wikipedia definition an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process is defined by the following stochastic differential equation: Where is a wiener process, one of it's properties is that it has Gaussian increments i.e

    the aforementioned equation can be discretized in the following fashion: Where And due to the Gaussian increments property of the Wiener process we have that . That means that the values of the increments can be generated using sqrt(dt)*rnorm(1)

    I coded the following function in R that takes the time vector, the mean of the process, the standard deviation and the value of theta.

    simulate <- function(t, mean=0, std=1, x0=mean, theta=1, number.of.points=length(t)){
      # calculate time differences
      dt <- diff(t)
      X <- vector("numeric", length=number.of.points)
      X[1] <- x0
      for(i in 1:(number.of.points-1)){
        X[i+1] <- X[i] + theta * (mean-X[i])*dt[i] + std * sqrt(dt[i])* rnorm(1)
      data.frame(x=t, y=X)
    simulate(t=1:200) %>%  ggplot(aes(x,y)) + geom_line()

    Another implementation Using purrr

    simulate <- function(t, mean=0, sd=1, theta=1, number.of.points=length(t)){
      stopifnot(!missing(t) | !missing(number.of.points))
        t <- 1:number.of.points
      unlist(purrr::accumulate2(vector("numeric", length=number.of.points-1), diff(t), function(x, o, y) {
        x + theta*(mean - x)* y + sqrt(y)*rnorm(1)
      }, .init=x0), use.names=F) -> X
      data.frame(x=t, y=X)
    simulate(number.of.points=200) %>%  ggplot(aes(x,y)) + geom_line()