
Exclude a function from coverage

I am using to get the test coverage of the code.

Suppose I have two functions with the same name in two different modules

# foo/

def get_something():
    # fetch something
    # 10 line of branch code
    return "something foo/"

# bar/

def get_something():
    # fetch something
    # 20 line of branch code
    return "something bar/"

How can I exclude the function "completely" ?


  • We can use pragma comment on the function definition level which tells the coveragepy to exclude the function completely.

    # bar/
    def get_something():  # pragma: no cover
        # fetch something
        # 20 line of branch code
        return "something bar/"


    If we have the coveragepy config file with an exclude_lines setting in it, make sure that pragma: no cover in that setting because it overrides the default.