I am trying to do the following tutorial: https://itnext.io/docker-mongodb-authentication-kubernetes-node-js-75ff995151b6
However, in there, they use raw values for the mongo init.js file that is placed within docker-entrypoint-initdb.d folder.
I would like to use environment variables that come from my CI/CD system (Gitlab). Does anyone know how to pass environment variables to the init.js file? I have tried several things like for example use init.sh instead for the shell but without any success.
If I run manually the init shell version, I can have it working because I call mongo with --eval and pass the values, however, the docker-entrypoint-blabla is called automatically, so I do not have control of how this is called and I do not know what I could do for achieving what I want.
Thank you in advance and regards.
At the end the answer is that you can use a .sh file instead of a .js file within the docker-entrypoint-initdb.d folder. Within the sh script, you can use directly environment variables. However, I could not do that at the beginning because I had a typo and environment variables were not created properly.