
My App doesn't work on the release mode after upgraded to the Xcode 11.4 or later

I've faced an issue when I've updated the Xcode version to 11.4 or later. The project works fine in the debug mode.

A key pair was created then data signed through the private key and send it to the server. Finally, the server can verify sign data through the public key.

But when I've turned to the release mode the server can't verify signed data anymore.

There is the same private key in both modes.

With this private key, I've switched to the Xcode 11.3 or earlier everything works like a charm and I don't have any idea.

PS: Since my app works on creating a key pair (ECDSA) probably that the part which has to do with sign data doesn't work properly.

I've tried this way, I've set the same value for all properties in both modes (debug and release) but the issue still exists.

Update: If I've known what's different between Xcode 11.3 and 11.4 or later, it's could be helpful.

Please let me know if you need further information. Thanks in advance.


  • According to the recommendation of @Paulw, I made a simple app, and I could reproduce the bug.
    So I realized the bug has to do everything with the memory issue.
    Finally, with this thread, I could solve it.