
How to import an Oracle database from dmp file and log file?

How would I go about creating a database from a dump file? I do not have an existing database with the same structure on my system so it has to be complete with jobs, events, tables, and so on.

I placed the dump and log file in E: drive

I have tried the import utility

E:/>impdp system/tiger@oratest FILE=WB_PROD_FULL_20MAY11.dmp

But I'm getting error as

invalid argument value
bad dump file specification
unable to open dump file "E:\app\admin\oratest\dpdump\WB_PROD_F
ULL_20MAY11.dmp" for read
unable to open file
unable to open file
(OS 2) The system cannot find the file specified.

And when I see in Windows Explorer DMP file(taken from Linux server) is showing as Crash dump file

I don't understand how I can resolve this issue. Please help me to solve this issue.

I'm a complete newbie on Oracle...


  • How was the database exported?

    Looking at the error log, it seems you have not specified the directory, so Oracle tries to find the dmp file in the default directory (i.e., E:\app\Vensi\admin\oratest\dpdump\).

    Either move the export file to the above path or create a directory object to pointing to the path where the dmp file is present and pass the object name to the impdp command above.