
Could not find an artifact in central when using maven build a project

I'm totally new to Maven. I am building an Apache projects using Maven command: mvn clean package. It showed build failure and give the following error message:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project taverna-perspective-myexperiment: Could not 
resolve dependencies for project org.apache.taverna.workbench:taverna-perspective-
myexperiment:bundle:3.1.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact in central ( -> [Help 1]

It seems it needs a dependency but it cannot find it. I searched this artifact in the internet and found a page giving the following maven configurations:


I checked the pom.xml and found the dependency for org.jdom is identical with the above. What should I do to fix it? Does it mean this artifact has been removed from the central? Is there any other sources we can set for it?


  • in page write note:

    Note: this artifact is located at Spring Plugins repository (

    then you must add to repositories in pom.xml file:

            <name>Spring Repository</name>