I need to detect via xpath an element (image with href) but i know a part of href only
This is the html
<a href="/mysite.com?id=123456"><img src="//user/banners/16/08/1614708.gif" alt="AAA" data-tip="BBB" currentitem="false" class="" width="468" height="60"></a>
I know the id 123456 (part of href)
I tried this xpath that recognize element with a part of href but working in text link only
xpath=//a[contains(@href, "123456")]
How can i detect the element using a part of href only ?
I need xpath only please.
You need get /img
in //a
where href
attribute contains()
or ends-with()
your id
This is XPATH that you need. At least i would use this XPATH in this situation
//a[ends-with(@href, 'your-id-here')]/img