I am trying to update the Image of an NSButton(Image) through a toggle in my storyboard. The NSButton Image is not changing though.
Here my ViewController IBAction Code:
@IBAction func ButtonState(_ sender: NSSwitch) {
let stateOfButton = sender.state
if (stateOfButton.rawValue == 1){
testButton.isEnabled = true
testButton.isEnabled = false
Here a snippet from my NSButton Class with the modifications:
override var isEnabled: Bool{
self.image = NSImage(named: "TestEnabled")
self.image = NSImage(named: "TestDisabled")
self.state = NSControl.StateValue(rawValue: 0)
The print statements are executed on toggling the switch but the image is not changing.
Please double check that both of the named images exist. Below is a prettified version of your code and it works as expected:
class ViewController: NSViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var button: MyButton!
@IBAction func switchClicked(_ sender: NSSwitch) {
button.isEnabled = sender.state == .on
class MyButton: NSButton {
override var isEnabled: Bool {
didSet {
image = isEnabled
? NSImage(named: NSImage.statusAvailableName)
: NSImage(named: NSImage.statusUnavailableName)