
Locate position of first number in string [R]

How can I create a function in R that locates the word position of the first number in a string?

For example:

string1 <- "Hello I'd like to extract where the first 1010 is in this string"
#desired_output for string1

string2 <- "80111 is in this string"
#desired_output for string2

string3 <- "extract where the first 97865 is in this string"
#desired_output for string3


  • Here is a way to return your desired output:

    min(which(!, " ", simplify = TRUE))))))

    This is how it works:

    str_split(string, " ", simplify = TRUE) # converts your string to a vector/matrix, splitting at space
    as.numeric(...) # tries to convert each element to a number, returning NA when it fails
    suppressWarnings(...) # suppresses the warnings generated by as.numeric
    ! # returns true for the values that are not NA (i.e. the numbers)
    which(...) # returns the position for each TRUE values
    min(...) # returns the first position

    The output:

    min(which(!, " ", simplify = TRUE))))))
    [1] 9
    min(which(!, " ", simplify = TRUE))))))
    [1] 1
    min(which(!, " ", simplify = TRUE))))))
    [1] 5