I'm using SimpleElastix (https://simpleelastix.github.io/) for the registration (Affine) of the two 2D images (see attached) . For this I'm using this code :
import SimpleITK as sitk
elastixImageFilter = sitk.ElastixImageFilter()
After the execution of the latter, I obtain the following TransformParameters0.txt that contains the transformation matrix :
(Transform "AffineTransform")
(NumberOfParameters 6)
(TransformParameters 0.820320 0.144798 -0.144657 0.820386 -13.106613 -11.900934)
(InitialTransformParametersFileName "NoInitialTransform")
(UseBinaryFormatForTransformationParameters "false")
(HowToCombineTransforms "Compose")
// Image specific
(FixedImageDimension 2)
(MovingImageDimension 2)
(FixedInternalImagePixelType "float")
(MovingInternalImagePixelType "float")
(Size 221 257)
(Index 0 0)
(Spacing 1.0000000000 1.0000000000)
(Origin 0.0000000000 0.0000000000)
(Direction 1.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000)
(UseDirectionCosines "true")
// AdvancedAffineTransform specific
(CenterOfRotationPoint 110.0000000000 128.0000000000)
// ResampleInterpolator specific
(ResampleInterpolator "FinalBSplineInterpolator")
(FinalBSplineInterpolationOrder 3)
// Resampler specific
(Resampler "DefaultResampler")
(DefaultPixelValue 0.000000)
(ResultImageFormat "nii")
(ResultImagePixelType "float")
(CompressResultImage "false")
My aim is to use this matrix-tranformation to register the floating image and get a registrered image similar to the one obtained by SimpleElastix. For this I'm using this small script :
import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np
T= np.array([[0.82, 0.144, -13.1], [-0.144, 0.82, -11.9], [0, 0, 1]] ) #matrix transformation
img_moved_orig = plt.imread('moved.png')
img_fixed_orig = plt.imread('fixed.png')
img_transformed = np.zeros((img_moved_orig.shape[0],img_moved_orig.shape[1]))
for i in range(img_moved_orig.shape[0]):
for j in range(img_moved_orig.shape[1]):
pixel_data = img_moved_orig[i, j]
input_coords = np.array([i, j,1])
i_out, j_out, _ = T @ input_coords
img_transformed[int(i_out), int(j_out)] = pixel_data
I obtain this registered image which I compare with the result of SimpleElastix (see image attached). We can observe that the scaling hasn't been operated and there is a problem with the translation. I wonder if I missed something in the transformation matrix, since SimpleElastix provide a good registration result.
Any ideas ?
Thank you
The best and safest way to apply the transformation is with the sitk.TransformixImageFilter()
, but I assume you have reasons to do it a different way. With that out of the way...
First issue: you have to take into account the center of rotation. The total matrix does the following:
you haveT = np.array([[0.82, 0.144, -13.1], [-0.144, 0.82, -11.9], [0, 0, 1]] )
center = np.array([[1, 0, 110], [0, 1, 128], [0, 0, 1]] )
center_inverse = np.array([[1, 0, -110], [0, 1, -128], [0, 0, 1]] )
total_matrix = center @ T @ center_inverse
I strongly recommend using scikit-image to do the transforming for you.
from skimage.transform import AffineTransform
from skimage.transform import warp
total_affine = AffineTransform( matrix=total_matrix )
img_moving_transformed = warp( img_moved_orig, total_affine )
If you really must do the transforming yourself, there are two things that need changing in your code:
img_transformed = np.zeros((img_moved_orig.shape[0],img_moved_orig.shape[1]))
for i in range(img_moved_orig.shape[0]):
for j in range(img_moved_orig.shape[1]):
# j is the first dimension for the elastix transform
j_xfm, i_xfm, _ = total_matrix @ np.array([j, i, 1])
pixel_data = 0
# notice this annoying check we have to do that skimage handles for us
if( j_xfm >= 0 and j_xfm < img_moved_orig.shape[1] and i_xfm >=0 and i_xfm < img_moved_orig.shape[0] ):
# transformed coordinates index the moving image
pixel_data = img_moved_orig[int(i_xfm), int(j_xfm), 0] # "nearest-neighbor" interpolation
# "loop" indices index the output space
img_transformed[i, j] = pixel_data