
How do i get my app publishing status via API

Every time you publish even a tiniest update for your app to google play, you have to wait for a review process to finish before an update will be published. This review process can take up to a week at worst (because poor google is struggling with COVID, boo-hoo).

Anyway, is there a way to know precisely when it is reviewed and published via some API? I know they have e-mail notifications, but i need to make this process more automated. I don't mind sending a request every few minutes to get the status of my app. So far I have researched google play console API, but I couldn't find any methods to get an app status.

Most likely, google (being stupid as usual), didn't provide any way to do this properly. Maybe I can do this via directly parsing a google play console HTML page? Of course if it isn't against google's ToS. Thanks.


  • There's no such API to get the status of published or pending on the console, the only option is to open your google console where you'll see the notification about what's the status of your app.

    And for parsing the Console Html page, I don't think so Google will allow you to do that. You can give it a try.