Looking for a bit of advice. I'm tapping into WordsAPI to create a spellchecker iOS app using swift, however, depending on the words you search for the JSON response is sometimes in a different format.
Response for the word "test" looks like this (I've stripped out most of it just to get the point across)
"word": "test",
"pronunciation": {
"all": "tɛst"
Whereas the response for the word "testing" looks like this
"word": "testing",
"pronunciation": "'tɛstɪŋ"
I'm using a model to decode the response data
struct WordDetails: Codable {
let word: String
let results: [Definition]
let pronunciation: Pronounce
struct Pronounce: Codable {
let all: String
struct Definition: Codable {
let definition: String
let partOfSpeech: String
let synonyms: [String]?
But this will only deal with one scenario and fail to decode the other. Can I write it in such a way to deal with both formats?
You can implement the decoding yourself and try to decode pronunciation key as String
type. If that fails with DecodingError.typeMismatch
error you decode it as Pronounce
struct WordDetails: Codable {
let word: String
let results: [Definition]
let pronunciation: Pronounce
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case word
case results
case pronunciation
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
word = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .word)
results = try container.decode([Definition].self, forKey: .results)
do {
let string = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .pronunciation)
pronunciation = Pronounce(all: string)
} catch DecodingError.typeMismatch {
pronunciation = try container.decode(Pronounce.self, forKey: .pronunciation)