
What is the name of these icons on Apple watch complications list & where can I access to them?

I downloaded the apple famous watch app example (Creating and Updating Complications)

in this project, the complications list has a nice gauge icon like below:

enter image description here enter image description here

As far as I know, these should be the placeholder icons but all the icons in placeholder assets are these:

enter image description here

So where is the source of those gauge icons?


  • This is a CLKComplicationTemplateGraphicCircularOpenGaugeSimpleText. (What a mouthful!) The relevant lines are found in line 256 of ComplicationController.swift in the linked sample code.

    private func createGraphicCircleTemplate(forDate date: Date) -> CLKComplicationTemplate {
        // Create the data providers.
        let percentage = Float(min(data.mgCaffeine(atDate: date) / 500.0, 1.0))
        let gaugeProvider = CLKSimpleGaugeProvider(style: .fill,
                                                   gaugeColors: [.green, .yellow, .red],
                                                   gaugeColorLocations: [0.0, 300.0 / 500.0, 450.0 / 500.0] as [NSNumber],
                                                   fillFraction: percentage)
        let mgCaffeineProvider = CLKSimpleTextProvider(text: data.mgCaffeineString(atDate: date))
        let mgUnitProvider = CLKSimpleTextProvider(text: "mg Caffeine", shortText: "mg")
        mgUnitProvider.tintColor = data.color(forCaffeineDose: data.mgCaffeine(atDate: date))
        // Create the template using the providers.
        let template = CLKComplicationTemplateGraphicCircularOpenGaugeSimpleText()
        template.gaugeProvider = gaugeProvider
        template.centerTextProvider = mgCaffeineProvider
        template.bottomTextProvider = CLKSimpleTextProvider(text: "mg")
        return template

    It's not an icon/image, just a kind of CLKComplicationTemplate.