I'm trying to convert an Excel file into a GeoPandas dataframe. I'm trying to use Shapely and WKT to do so.
After reading the file into pandas, I have a geometry column. I'm trying to do the following to convert the geometry column to an 'object' data type:
from shapely import wkt
my_df['geometry'] = my_df['geometry'].apply(wkt.loads)
and I receive the following error:
WKTReadingError: Could not create geometry because of errors while reading input.
To try and diagnose what the problem is, I also tried to convert this Excel file to a geodataframe, using the following code:
import geopandas
my_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(my_df, geometry='geometry')
and I get the following error:
TypeError: Input must be valid geometry objects: MULTIPOLYGON (((1314112.145833299 1027703.927083313, 1314091.947916642 1027761.937499985, 1314232.583333299 1027811.447916642, 1314240.99999997 1027814.395833313, 1314246.739583299 1027794.468749985, 1314292.71874997 1027692.947916642, 1314282.18749997 1027689.010416642, 1314136.364583299 1027634.374999985, 1314112.145833299 1027703.927083313)))
It appears I only have one bad geometry? (Or it could just be the first bad geometry).
Can I just skip this bad one in the wkt.loads
step? I could not find documentation or other examples of how to do this.
You can do the loop instead of apply with try/except to catch the erroneous geometry.
from shapely import wkt
geom = []
for g in my_df['geometry']:
my_df['geometry'] = geom