Im implementing a flutter app to display polylines by flutter google maps plugin, But It only shows a straight line between those two points rather than showing actual route, I'm not quite sure what needed to do.
Here my add markers function
void addMarker() {
latlng.add(LatLng(5.973804, 80.429838));
markerId: MarkerId('busLoc'),
draggable: true,
onTap: () {
print('Marker Tapped');
position: LatLng(5.973804, 80.429838),
visible: true,
points: latlng,
polylineId: PolylineId("distance"),
Here my scaffold
polylines: _polyline,
markers: Set.from(allMarkers),
CameraPosition(target: LatLng(, widget.l0), zoom: 14),
mapType: MapType.normal,
To get the route from point A to point B you will need to use Directions API that is available on the google_maps_webservice
flutter package, which is a service from Google Maps Platform that gives the route information
One of the route information is the overview_polyline
that holds an encoded polyline representation of the route.
You can get the overview_polyline
by having a function that sends request to Directions API using the google_maps_webservice
package like this:
import 'package:google_maps_webservice/directions.dart' as directions;
final _directions = new directions.GoogleMapsDirections(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY");
var overviewPolylines;
directions.DirectionsResponse dResponse = await _directions.directionsWithAddress(
if (dResponse.isOkay) {
for (var r in dResponse.routes) {
overviewPolylines = r.overviewPolyline.points
Then, once you get the overview_polyline
from Directions API using the sample code above, you will need to decode it using the PolyUtil();
method from the google_maps_util
flutter package like this:
import 'package:google_maps_util/google_maps_util.dart';
PolyUtil myPoints = PolyUtil();
var pointArray = myPoints.decode(overviewPolylines);
Once decoded you can pass the pointArray
to your polyline
object like this:
visible: true,
points: pointArray,
polylineId: PolylineId("distance"),