Please help me with the following error. I tried a lot to fix it but with no help. The code:
MALLET_PATH = './Mallet/bin/mallet'
def topic_model_coherence_generator(corpus, texts, dictionary, start_topic_count=2, end_topic_count=10, step=1,cpus=1):
models = []
coherence_scores = []
for topic_nums in tqdm(range(start_topic_count, end_topic_count + 1, step)):
mallet_lda_model = gensim.models.wrappers.LdaMallet(mallet_path=MALLET_PATH, corpus=corpus, num_topics=topic_nums, id2word=dictionary, iterations=500, workers=cpus)
cv_coherence_model_mallet_lda = gensim.models.CoherenceModel(model=mallet_lda_model, corpus=corpus, texts=texts, dictionary=dictionary, coherence='c_v')
coherence_score = cv_coherence_model_mallet_lda.get_coherence()
return models, coherence_scores
lda_models, coherence_scores = topic_model_coherence_generator(corpus=bow_corpus, texts=norm_corpus_bigrams, dictionary=dictionary, start_topic_count=2, end_topic_count=30, step=1, cpus=16)
The error:
0%| | 0/29 [00:00<?, ?it/s]'.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command './Mallet/bin/mallet import-file --preserve-case --keep-sequence --remove-stopwords --token-regex "\S+" --input C:\Users\yaiza\AppData\Local\Temp\b44add_corpus.txt --output C:\Users\yaiza\AppData\Local\Temp\b44add_corpus.mallet' returned non-zero exit status 1.
If I write MALLET_PATH = 'C:/Program files/Mallet/bin/mallet'
or 'MALLET_PATH = 'rC:/Program files/Mallet/bin/mallet'
, return the same error but in first sentence changes to
0%| | 0/29 [00:00<?, ?it/s]'C:/Program files' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file..
Thank you
Make sure you installed the Java Developers Kit (JDK).
The credit goes to this another answer
After installing the JDK & restarting your computer for changes to take effect, the following codes for the LDA Mallet worked like charm!
import os
from gensim.models.wrappers import LdaMallet
mallet_path = r'C:/mallet/mallet-2.0.8/bin/mallet.bat'
lda_mallet = LdaMallet(
corpus = corpus_bow,
num_topics = n_topics,
id2word = dct,