I'm trying to hide multiple elements inside the DOM by changing shared state when window is resized.
<body class="font-body relative" x-data="{hideOnMobile:false}">
<section class="mt-5" :class={'section' : !hideOnMobile , 'hidden' : hideOnMobile}">
And when i try to
window.onresize = function (event) {
let data = document.querySelector('[x-data]');
if (window.innerWidth > 639) {
return data.__x.$data.hideOnMobile = true;
It should change the state ** hideOnMobile** to true but it doesn't somehow any idea?
Have you tried using @resize.window
? (ie. adding the resize
listener using Alpine.js) it should make your code simpler than using window.onresize
+ trying to update Alpine.js __x.$data
class="font-body relative"
@resize.window="hideOnMobile = window.innerWidth > 639"
<section class="mt-5" :class={'section' : !hideOnMobile , 'hidden' : hideOnMobile}">