
Is there embedded replicated map solution with 'read your writes' guaranties and async updates propagation of frequently changed data?

Hello and thanks in advance!

Question In short:

Is there embedded replicated map solution with 'read your writes' guaranties and async updates propagation of frequently changed data?


System comprised with two services (just for example):

  1. One 'importer' - receives data from external system, updates system's data by merging received with current, and propagates it to 'user_api' services.
  2. N 'user_api' services, that frequently provides data for users.

I'm tring improve response time of 'user_api' by holding up-to-date data (2GB on average) within in-memory replicated map (history data rarely requested and MySQL used). I need only put/get/remove operations.

I've tried Hazelcast's ReplicatedMap where each service embedded with Hazelcast instance. Also I add separate not embedded Hazelcast instance (using default docker image) to have ability restart entire cluster without data losing (preventing initial fillup from MySQL). And it works almost like a charm. BUT there seems to be one strong downside - it slowdown import process within 'importer' by blocking on write operations.

What I need it is speed of local Map read/writes with async updates propagation to other cluster nodes. I need 'read your writes' guaranties and async changes propagation to 'user_api' services.

I found discussion here: Replicated caching solutions compatible with AWS. The difference: the questioner was not interested in the case with frequent updates.

I read a bit about Ignite and seems like it works the same as Hazelcast for this case. About the Geode: could not understand whether he fits the described case by quickly going over the review - need more time to investigate.

Wrapping up questions:


  • I think Ignite would do what you need. There’s a cache property called write synchronisation mode. The default is PRIMARY_SYNC, which writes synchronously to the primary and asynchronously to the backups. There’s also FULL_SYNC and FULL_ASYNC.

    Ignite works the same way as Hazelcast, in the sense that you can have a separate cluster rather than embedding your nodes. Ignite also has persistence, so you could restart the cluster as well and still not lose data.