I am trying to use range partition on a table for a column of type number. However, Oracle 12c throws an error saying it is an invalid data-type. I don't understand why/what is invalid in the command.
create table partition_tester (
some_column number not null,
another_column varchar2(10),
partition by range(some_column) interval(10)
I am connecting to the database using SQL developer. It seems to have issue with the range function. On executing above script it throws:
Error report -
ORA-00902: invalid datatype
00902. 00000 - "invalid datatype"
Any help is appreciated.
remove the comma after " another_column varchar2(10)," and specify at least one partition.
create table partition_tester (
some_column number not null,
another_column varchar2(10))
partition by range(some_column) interval(10)
partition p0 values less than (10)