
How to screen capture DOSBox output using OBS?

Just downloaded OBS Studio, and would like to record a working session in DOSBox. Most of the setup worked so nicely, but I suppose that I should have expected a few problems.

Under "Sources", I have added a Window capture, which worked immediately with the timer I have. However, I then tried adding "Game Capture" to capture the DOSBox window. This does not work, and only shows a blank screen (pictured below).

OBS works so well in capturing other programs, I must be doing something wrong somewhere.

Any advice on where I should look next?

enter image description here


  • After reading through this rather snarky post, it seems the problem is not with OBS.

    In the dosbox.conf file, in the [sdl] section, I made the following change:

    Previous value (OBS not able to capture):


    Current value (enables capture in OBS):


    This worked immediatly using DOSBox-0.74-2 and OBS-Studio-26.0.2

    enter image description here