I am trying to have multiple histogram plots rendered from a for loop fill up the entire page on my R Markdown pdf output.
My histogram plots are rendered from the following code
mclogins<-c("sacfreq","logsacfreq","meanvel","logmeanvel", "meanvelx","logmeanvelx", "meanvely","logmeanvely","meanacc","logmeanacc", "meanaccx", "logmeanaccx", "meanaccy","logmeanaccy", "meanamp", "logmeanamp", "meanampx","logmeanampx", "meanampy","logmeanampy")
# dev.off()
par(mar=c(5.1 ,4.1, 4.1 ,2.1),mfrow=c(3,2))
for( i in mclogins){
xlab = i,
main = paste("Histogram of",i),
col = "lightblue")
Where df.1log
is the dataset containing values for all variables in mclogins
Right now, my output looks like this:
And as you can see, there is much empty space at the bottom of the page.
I have tried the following suggestions:
But it ends up causing the plots to disappear or nothing changes and the blank space is still there.
Thank you so much!
You can set fig.height
and fig.width
to suite your preferences, but a reasonable starting point could be to add the following to the top of the chunk where you make your visualizations.
{r, echo = FALSE, fig.height = 28, fig.width = 20}