
Demo for RMarkdown with RMarkdown, without evaluation and printing of the `

I want to write a demo with xaringan for xaringan. I want to write a slide where I explain how students can write inline code or code chunks, but so far my attempts failed. Mostly because the ` are not printed. If i use `r knitr::inline_expr('mean(mtcars$mpg)')` the `are not printed.


  • Actually, it should work as mentioned in the comment, but it doesn't for some reason. This may be a bug. However, you can simply write a CSS class that highlights monospaced text and adds backticks before and after your code.

    Add the following to the styles.css file in your xaringan project directory:

    .ilr {
      font-family: monospace;
      padding: 2px 2px;
      background-color: #e4e6e8;
    .ilr:before, .ilr:after {
        content: "`";

    Use the above as follows:

    # Test Slide
    This is inline code: .ilr[r rnorm(100)].

    enter image description here