
SMTP server using hmailserver. Host cannot be resolved to a type

I am trying to create a local SMTP server. I configured everything according to this: Link to set-up hmailserver

After that, I ran my diagnostics thing and it said host(in my case, noreply@bufferoverflow.com) cannot be resolved. I googled and read the documentation and question section of hmailserver Docs and found that I am missing a DNS configuration on my machine.

I followed this article to set-up the DNS ip to name: How to add ip domain mapping in windows bufferoverflow.com

on my

C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc>notepad hosts.ics

It still said host cannot be resolved to a type. I tried to see if the port was actually open and listening. So I did this command in CMD:

netstat -a

It's listening. I doubled checked everything but coudn't found where I was going wrong. I created a simple nodejs server and hosted it on port 80 at localhost and typed "bufferoverflow.com" in my browser it opened aka localhost which is because it has an ip domain mapping I have given.

Now I am lost as why the hostname can't be resolved. My DNS is cool. Everthing is configured as docs says and the port is also open and listening. Please help me.


  • So based on what you said you created your own SMTP server which is nice and all to learn, but I would recommend using SendinBlue 3rd party service FREE and gives you 300 mails/day

    Getting Started with sendinblue:

    So now at this point your account and SMTP service is activated, now question is how do you use sendinBlue?

    Implementation: Now you have everything sorted you know where you keys are and login

    In .env file

    sendinBlue__login=<Your email that your saw in that smtp tab>
    sendinBlue__key= <Key you saw in that smtp tab>

    In your file where you want to send email

    const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
    router.post('/api/email', (request, response)=>{
       const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
       const mailOptions = {
           subject:'Order confirmation',
               <h1>Confirmation of your received  order</h1>
       transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, info)=>{
           if (error){
               return response.status(500).json({msg:"Email failed to send probably network problems or SMTP not activated"});
           return reponse.status(200).json({msg:'Email sent'});

    If that guide above did not make sense to you: Shameless plug

    Now If you want to send an email using noreply@domain.com with sendinBlue you do not even have to have the email activated but still can send

    router.get("/api/test", (request, response) => {
      const transpoter = nodemailer.createTransport({
        service: "SendinBlue",
        auth: {
          user: process.env.sendinBlue__email,
          pass: process.env.sendinBlue__key,
      const mailOptions = {
        from: "noreply@Test.com",
        to: "juniorWebProjects@gmail.com",
        subject: "Confirmation Order",
        html: `
           <h1>Order Received</h1>
      transpoter.sendMail(mailOptions, (err, info) => {
        if (err) {
          return console.log(err);
        return console.log("Message sent");

    proof of sent mail using noreply@mydomain.com