I am currently doing some work with the AWS-CDK and I am trying to create a Config Aggregator to aggregate the storage of all of my regions config logs. I am doing this with a region as the source instead of an account because I am not allowed/able to configure organizations. Here is the error I am currently receiving when trying to add props to the code below.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'allAwsRegions' does not exist in type 'IResolvable | (IResolvable | AccountAggregationSourceProperty)[]'.ts(2322)
Here is my code:
const awsRegion = Aws.ACCOUNT_ID.toString()
const awsAccountID = Aws.ACCOUNT_ID.toString()
const globalAggregatorAuth = newconfig.CfnAggregationAuthorization(this,'globalAggregatorAuth',{
authorizedAwsRegion: awsRegion,
authorizedAccountId: awsAccountID,
} )
const globalAggregator = new config.CfnConfigurationAggregator(this, 'globalAggregator', {
configurationAggregatorName: 'globalAggregator',
accountAggregationSources: {
accountIds: awsAccountID,
The error is above is currently coming when I try to use the prop accountIds and give it a value of "awsAccountID" which is assigned its value from the variable you see above. I have not experienced an issue such as this before and would greatly appreciate help!!!
As per the documentation
accountIds string[] CfnConfigurationAggregator.AccountAggregationSourceProperty.AccountIds.
In other words you need to pass in an array of strings like so:
const globalAggregator = new config.CfnConfigurationAggregator(this, 'globalAggregator', {
configurationAggregatorName: 'globalAggregator',
accountAggregationSources: [{
accountIds: [awsAccountID],