
How to only UPDATE certain attributes from a Database dump(sql/text/csv or any other format)

I have a specific requirement of extracting data from certain columns of a table(for certain records, identified by a Unique ID) AND update the records with same ID in another table with same values in a column.

Database I am using is Postgresql. I wish if there is a way through extracting using a database tool(DBeaver, PG Admin, etc) with which I can extract from one DB and save values in another DB. I tried extracting values from DBeaver but they were Insert INTO statements, would create duplicate records.

The layman solution I have is to extract in a CSV and then update the records by reading row-by-row through a Rake task.

Any help for suggesting a solution the DB level way is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • Solution:

    By using postgres_fdw you can achieve this very easily. Please Follow below mentioned steps on your new database where you want to update the table:

    Step - 1: Create Extension

    create extension postgres_fdw;

    Step - 2: Create Remote Server

    create server remote_server
    foreign data wrapper postgres_fdw
    options(host 'remote_server', dbname 'remote_dbname', port '5432'); 

    Step - 3: Create Foreign User Mapping for the server

    create user mapping for localuser
    server remote_server
    options(user 'remoteuser', password 'remoteuser_password');

    Step - 4: Create Foreign Table with same structure as in remote DB

    create foreign table "schema_name"."remote_table"
    id_ int;
    -- field list same as foreign table in other db
    server remote_server
    options(SCHEMA_NAME 'foreign_schema', TABLE_NAME 'foreign_name');

    Now you can use local_table_name in your query just as local table but It will do all operations on remote db.

    Your update query can be written like below:

    update local_table p1
    -- your set statements
    from remote_table p2
    where =;

    you can drop the remote_table if you feel it is not required in future.

    Note: - Above will work only if both databases are on same server or both database can communicate with each other (if on different server).