
Faster way for extracting and combining bits from UINT16 to UINT8

I'm searching for a faster way for my required special extract and combine operation as described below:

| BIT 7 | BIT 6 | BIT 5 | BIT 4 | BIT 3 | BIT 2 | BIT 1 | BIT 0 |
|   D1  |  D0   |  C1   |  C0   |  B1   |  B0   |  A1   |   A0  |

A = A0 OR A1
B = B0 OR B1
C = C0 OR C1
D = D0 OR D1

| BIT 7 | BIT 6 | BIT 5 | BIT 4 | BIT 3 | BIT 2 | BIT 1 | BIT 0 |
|       |       |       |       |   D   |   C   |   B   |   A   |

For sake of simplicity above is only an 8-bit example, the same applies for 16 bit values. It should be implemented as fast as possible on dsPIC33F microcontroller.

The easy way in C is:

PairFlags |= (ChannelFlags & 0x0003) ? 0x0001 : 0;
PairFlags |= (ChannelFlags & 0x000C) ? 0x0002 : 0;
PairFlags |= (ChannelFlags & 0x0030) ? 0x0004 : 0;
PairFlags |= (ChannelFlags & 0x00C0) ? 0x0008 : 0;
PairFlags |= (ChannelFlags & 0x0300) ? 0x0010 : 0;
PairFlags |= (ChannelFlags & 0x0C00) ? 0x0020 : 0;
PairFlags |= (ChannelFlags & 0x3000) ? 0x0040 : 0;
PairFlags |= (ChannelFlags & 0xC000) ? 0x0080 : 0;

This will produce approx. 40 instructions (with O3) which corresponds to 1µs in my case.

The amount of instruction cycles should be reduced if possible. Is there a faster way either in C or inline assembly?


  • The following should work for reducing a 16-bit value to 8 bits (with each bit of output formed by ORing a pair of bits of input):

    // Set even bits to bits in pair ORed together, and odd bits to 0...
    PairFlags = (ChannelFlags | (ChannelFlags >> 1)) & 0x5555; // '0h0g0f0e0d0c0b0a'
    // Compress the '00' or '01' bit pairs down to single '0' or '1' bits...
    PairFlags = (PairFlags ^ (PairFlags >> 1)) & 0x3333; // '00hg00fe00dc00ba'
    PairFlags = (PairFlags ^ (PairFlags >> 2)) & 0x0F0F; // '0000hgfe0000dcba'
    PairFlags = (PairFlags ^ (PairFlags >> 4)) & 0x00FF; // '00000000hgfedcba'

    Note: The ^ can be replaced by | in the above for the same result.