I send in the opportunity id into mySourceId into the routine and run through what should be the standard Docusign APEX API routines. We have a button that completes this merge using the standard Docusign routines, but are trying to get around all the extra button clicks the users are having to endure.
I have a template that is created and available on Docusign with Salesforce related Custom Field tags on the document. Is there something from the documentation that I'm missing?
//create the emptyenvelope connecting it to the SF object
myEnvelope = dfsle.EnvelopeService.getEmptyEnvelope(new dfsle.Entity(**mySourceId**));
//use the Recipient.fromSource method to create the Recipient
dfsle.Recipient myRecipient = dfsle.Recipient.fromSource(sender.name, // Recipient name
sender.eAddress, // Recipient email
null, //Optional phone number
sender.role, //Role Name. Specify the exact role name from template
new dfsle.Entity(**mySourceId**)); //source object for the Recipient
//add email detail for the envelope
myEnvelope = myEnvelope.withEmail(settingsDocusignTemplate.get(sourceName).email_subject__c, settingsDocusignTemplate.get(sourceName).email_body__c);
//Could provide automatic notifications as well based off of criteria
final boolean dfsle_reminder = settingsDocusignTemplate.get(sourceName).reminder__c;
final integer dfsle_remindAfterDays = Integer.valueOf(settingsDocusignTemplate.get(sourceName).remindAfterDays__c); //wait before sending reminder
//add Recipient to the Envelope
myEnvelope = myEnvelope.withRecipients(new List<dfsle.Recipient> { myRecipient });
//create a new document for the Envelope
dfsle.Document myDocument = dfsle.Document.fromTemplate((dfsle.UUID)templateInfo.get('UUID'), // templateId in dfsle.UUID format
(String)templateInfo.get('name')); // name of the template
//add document to the Envelope
myEnvelope = myEnvelope.withDocuments(new List<dfsle.Document> { myDocument });
try {
System.debug('\tSending Envelope');
dfsle.EnvelopeService.sendEnvelope(myEnvelope, // The envelope to send
true); // Send now?
} catch (dfsle.DocuSignException docusignExcpt) {
} catch (Exception excp) {
Try adding this to your code just after "create a new document for the Envelope"
String opptyStr = (String) myOpportunity.Id + '~Opportunity';
dfsle.CustomField myField = new dfsle.CustomField ('text', 'DSFSSourceObjectId', opptyStr, null, false, false);
//add document to the Envelope
myEnvelope = myEnvelope.withDocuments(new List<dfsle.Document> { myDocument })
.withCustomFields(new List<dfsle.CustomField> {myField});
Technically merge fields are not supported but we can get around this issue by using custom fields with this code.