
How to use a Chicken Scheme module in a separate directory?

I have the following project structure:

├── main.scm
└── stream
    ├── stream.import.scm
    ├── stream.scm

stream.scm defines a module:

; stream.scm
(module stream
  (import scheme (chicken base))

and main.scm uses stream module:

; main.scm
(import stream)

I compiled stream via csc -s stream.scm -j stream. I’d like to compile the main.scm using the stream module nested in the stream directory, but I can’t find a way to do that.

I read the man page and I tried

csc main.scm -I ./stream

but it prompts a warning

Warning: the following extensions are not currently installed: stream

and the executable does not work:

Error: (require) cannot load extension: stream

It does work when I put main.scm in the stream directory.

What should I do to make main.scm aware of the stream module?


  • I think you probably want to set CHICKEN_REPOSITORY_PATH for this project.


    ~/dev/scheme/subdir_test$ chicken-install -repository
    ~/dev/scheme/subdir_test$ export CHICKEN_REPOSITORY_PATH="/home/richardh/dev/chicken/lib/chicken/11:/home/richardh/dev/scheme/subdir_test/sub/"
    ~/dev/scheme/subdir_test$ cat alpha.scm 
    (import beta)
    (print "Hello " (hello_name))
    ~/dev/scheme/subdir_test$ cat sub/beta.scm 
    (module beta (hello_name)
      (import scheme)
      (define (hello_name)
    ~/dev/scheme/subdir_test$ cd sub/
    ~/dev/scheme/subdir_test/sub$ csc -s beta.scm -j beta
    ~/dev/scheme/subdir_test/sub$ cd ..
    ~/dev/scheme/subdir_test$ csc alpha.scm 
    ~/dev/scheme/subdir_test$ ./alpha 
    Hello World

    If you google "chicken scheme virtualenv" you will find several examples of more sophisticated versions of this.

    You might also be interested in the "chicken-belt" and "dust" eggs if you want to have multiple versions of chicken itself installed.