
Express-session is not setting cookies in browser

So I'm using express-session package to set cookie and session. It's also connected to my MongoDB store to store session. When user logs in, session gets stored in database just fine but there's no cookie in the browser. My app is running in http://localhost:8080/ and my server is running in http://localhost:5500/.


const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const expressSession = require('express-session');
const mStore = require('./model/database.js').Mstore;
const routes = require('./control/router.js');
const mongooseConnect = require('./model/database.js').mongooseConnect;

      secret: 'my secret', 
      resave: false, 
      saveUninitialized: false,
      store: mStore
   bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }),

mongooseConnect(() => app.listen(process.env.PORT || 5500));


const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const notesModel = require('../model/database.js').notesModel;
const userModel = require('../model/database.js').userModel;
const cors = require('cors');

router.options('/login', cors());'/login', cors(), (req, res) => {
   userModel.findOne({ admin_username: req.body.username, admin_password: req.body.password }, (err, data) => {
      if (err) return console.log(err);
      if (data) {
         req.session.isLoggedIn = true; // Saves in database just fine.
         res.status(200).json('Login Success'); // This line works just fine as well.
      } else {
         res.status(401).json('Login Failed: Incorrect ID or Password.');

Browser: enter image description here


  • So before I give my answer I would say JWT is not a safe way of handling sessions

    How to handle Express-session

    Firstly you will need the following packages

    npm i express-session connect-mongodb-session or yarn add express-session connect-mongodb-session

    Now that we have packages that we need to setup our mongoStore and express-session middleware:

    //Code in server.js/index.js (Depending on your server entry point)
    import expressSession from "express-session";
    import MongoDBStore from "connect-mongodb-session";
    import cors from "cors";
    const mongoStore = MongoDBStore(expressSession);
    const store = new mongoStore({
      collection: "userSessions",
      uri: process.env.mongoURI,
      expires: 1000,
        name: "SESS_NAME",
        secret: "SESS_SECRET",
        store: store,
        saveUninitialized: false,
        resave: false,
        cookie: {
          sameSite: false,
          secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",
          maxAge: 1000,
          httpOnly: true,

    Now the session middleware is ready but now you have to setup cors to accept your ReactApp so to pass down the cookie and have it set in there by server

    //Still you index.js/server.js (Server entry point)
        origin: "http://localhost:3000",
        methods: ["POST", "PUT", "GET", "OPTIONS", "HEAD"],
        credentials: true,

    Now our middlewares are all setup now lets look at your login route'/api/login', (req, res)=>{
        //Do all your logic and now below is how you would send down the cooki
        //Note that "user" is the retrieved user when you were validating in logic
        // So now you want to add user info to cookie so to validate in future
        const sessionUser = {
           id: user._id,
           username: user.username,
        //Saving the info req session and this will automatically save in your     mongoDB as configured up in sever.js(Server entry point)
        request.session.user = sessionUser;
        //Now we send down the session cookie to client

    Now our server is ready but now we have to fix how we make request in client so that this flow can work 100%:

    Code below: React App/ whatever fron-tend that your using where you handling logging in

    //So you will have all your form logic and validation and below
    //You will have a function that will send request to server 
    const login = () => {
        const data = new FormData();
        data.append("username", username);
        data.append("password", password);
   "http://localhost:5000/api/user-login", data, {
          withCredentials: true, // Now this is was the missing piece in the client side 

    Now with all this you have now server sessions cookies as httpOnly