
How could i order expression by getcollist() method in LKM ODI12c (oracle data integrator)

In LKM, I used <%=odiRef.getTargetColList("\n", "[COL_NAME]", ",\n", "\n")%> expression to get target columns but the order of columns names is as source table. for example:

Source table columns: Name, Surname, Age
Target table columns: Surname, Name, Age

LKM: <%=odiRef.getTargetColList("\n", "[COL_NAME]", ",\n", "\n")%>

---> Name, Surname, Age

Desired output

---->Surname, Name, Age

How can i get target columns in order of target table ( Surname, Name, Age)



  • You need to understand the next points:

    Maibe you understood better the two points above, through the next picture: enter image description here

    For your problem you could do the next:

    So, in other words, you could generate that columns in IKM and then use it in LKM.

    This can be done because the execution order is the next: