I am trying to plot the top 30 percent values in a data frame using a seaborn scatter plot as shown below.
The reproducible code for the same plot:
import seaborn as sns
df = sns.load_dataset('iris')
#function to return top 30 percent values in a dataframe.
def extract_top(df):
n = int(0.3*len(df))
top = df.sort_values('sepal_length', ascending = False).head(n)
return top
#storing the top values
top = extract_top(df)
sns.scatterplot(data = top,
x='species', y='sepal_length',
color = 'black',
s = 100,
marker = 'x',)
Here, I want sort the x-axis in order = ['virginica','setosa','versicolor']
. When I tried to use order
as one of the parameter in sns.scatterplot()
, it returned an error AttributeError: 'PathCollection' object has no property 'order'
. What is the right way to do it?
Please note: In the dataframe, setosa
is also a category in species
, however, in the top 30% values non of its value is falling. Hence, that label is not shown in the example output from the reproducible code at the top. But I want even that label in the x-axis as well in the given order as shown below:
is not the correct tool for the job. Since you have a categorical axis you want to use stripplot()
and not scatterplot()
. See the difference between relational and categorical plots here https://seaborn.pydata.org/api.html
sns.stripplot(data = top,
x='species', y='sepal_length',
order = ['virginica','setosa','versicolor'],
color = 'black', jitter=False)