I have this code that update several column in my table with value from an excel sheet. I tried using sqlserver module to achieve this but i am wondering is there any way to use DBATOOLS module instead to perform the operation?
for ($row8 = 9; $row8 -lt 40; $row8++) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 3).Value2)){break} else {
$sqlCmd.CommandText = "UPDATE $Table7 SET STCW_Cert_Held = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 18).Value2,
ISPS = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 19).Value2,
Marine_Medical_Exp = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 20).Value2,
Petronas_Medical_Exp = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 21).Value2,
OSP_Exp = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 22).Value2,
Shell_SafetyPassport_Exp = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 23).Value2,
Boseit_Exp = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 24).Value2,
BT_STCW_Exp = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 25).Value2,
Rigging_Slinging_Exp = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 26).Value2,
FoodHandling_Exp = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 27).Value2,
H2S_Exp = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 28).Value2,
COC_Exp = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 29).Value2,
COR_Exp = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 30).Value2,
Seaman_Card_Exp = [string] $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 31).Value2,
Passport_Exp = [string] $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 32).Value2 WHERE PasportNumber = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 3).Value2"
Updating a table can be done with Invoke-DbaQuery. Instead of catenating data from Excel into a single statement, use parametrized queries. That is, create a collection of varialbes and pass those as query parameter. See docs' example 5. This makes code much more simple to read and protects you for SQL injections too. Like so,
$query = 'UPDATE $Table7 SET STCW_Cert_Held = @STCW_Cert_Held, ISPS = @ISPS, ... where PasportNumber = @PasportNumber'
for ($row8 = 9; $row8 -lt 40; $row8++) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 3).Value2)){break} else {
# Build the parameter set
$params = @{
STCW_Cert_Held = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 18).Value2 # Description
ISPS = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 19).Value2
# ... omitted lots of parameters
PasportNumber = $ws3.Cells.Item($row8, 3).Value2 # Other notes
Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance . -Query $query -SqlParameters $params
While you are at it, please change the variable names and avoid magic numbers. As of now, there's $row8
- what does that even mean? You start reading from 8th row, right? When the Excel source changes - they always do - $row8
doesn't make any sense. Also, where do you get the upper limit of 40
? You should have a constant with clear name. Like so,
# Skip 7 rows of headers
$startRow = 8
# Explain why there will not be more than 40 rows
$lastRow = 40
# Even better, use a function that finds out how
$lastRow = Get-LastRow($myExcelFile) much to import.
for ($row = $startRow; $ro8 -lt $lastRow; $row++) {