The GDPR requires a legal basis for data processing. after using
to show consent in the Android app, how can use GDPR consent in the advertising networks such as AdMob, Vungle, Ironsource, and Applovin?
to forward consent to the Google Mobile Ads SDK you can use this code
extras.putString("npa", "1");
AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder()
.addNetworkExtrasBundle(AdMobAdapter.class, extras)
in the IronSource If the user has opted out of “sale” of personal information
If “sale” of personal information is permitted:
in the Vungle, the following sample code sets the consent status to OPTED_IN
Vungle.updateConsentStatus(Vungle.Consent.OPTED_IN, "1.0.0");
and this code sets the consent status to OPTED_OUT
Vungle.updateConsentStatus(Vungle.Consent.OPTED_OUT, "1.0.0");
AppLovin added the setHasUserContent and setIsAgeRestrictedUser methods. The following sample code shows how to pass consent information to the AppLovin SDK.
AppLovinPrivacySettings.setHasUserConsent(true, context);
if the user is known to be in an age-restricted category, you can also set the below flag to true.
AppLovinPrivacySettings.setIsAgeRestrictedUser(true, context);