I'm trying to create a PDF/A-1b compliant file, starting from java using JasperReports.
I'm using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC for checking the file with preflight tool, which is giving me an error regarding the field dc:title
, this is the error's screenshot:
I've tried setting the property in any possible way, but I still getting this error and I can't figure why. I've tried reading at http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/dc:title , but I didn't find nothing useful.
I have a suspicion about this report regarding metadata - > advanced -> http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1 , where I see there is a dc:title
empty, and a dc:title[1]
filled, but I don't know how to set the first one.
Session session = getMyConnection();
SessionImpl sessionImpl = (SessionImpl) session;
Connection conn = sessionImpl.connection();
String title = "Test title";
Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<>();
hm.put(JRHibernateQueryExecuterFactory.PARAMETER_HIBERNATE_SESSION, session);
hm.put("ID", getTestId();
hm.put("reportTitle", title); //Title here
hm.put("info.title", title); //Title here
JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager
JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, hm, conn);
jasperPrint.setProperty(PdfExporterConfiguration.PROPERTY_METADATA_TITLE, title); //Title here
JRPdfExporter exporter = new JRPdfExporter();
SimplePdfExporterConfiguration configuration = new SimplePdfExporterConfiguration();
configuration.setMetadataTitle(title); //Title here
exporter.setExporterInput(new SimpleExporterInput(jasperPrint));
exporter.setExporterOutput(new SimpleOutputStreamExporterOutput("c:/eglobal/TEST_REPORT.PDF"));
As you can see the title is setted in every possible way ( see //Title here
comment): I've tried with each of them individually, and nothing changes.
These are the libraries I'm using
While reading code into JRPdfExporter
inside JasperReport lib, I've found a comment saying:
iText 2.1.7 does not properly write localized properties and keywords. XMP metadata might be non conforming, include the Adobe XMP library to correct
So I've discovered inside of Jasper Report's pom.xml
that there is a specific Adobe library (set as optional inside that pom):
Adding this dependency in my pom solved the problem