I know there are similar questions out there (the closest one I found was this JavaScript; n-dimensional array creation) but most one them are in Python and even this one I found I tried to implement in my code and It didn't work.
So I want to create a function createGrid(L,n)
that take as parameters two arrays of same size, L and n. In these, L[i] would specify the size of the grid in dimension i and n[i] would specify the number of points in the same dimension (such as the spacing between points is L[i]/(n[i] - 1). For example, for two dimensions lets say I call "let grid = createGrid([10,10],[2,2])
" then the function should return an n+1 dimension array like this:
[[[0,0],[0,10]], [[10,0], [10,10]].
So If I want to access a point in the grid I could simply type, for example, grid[1][0], which will return the point [10,0].
In this moment I am hardcoding this for 3 dimensions like this:
let create3DSquareGrid = function(L, n){
//L should be an array [Lx, Ly, Lz], if not they are all the same
L = [L,L,L];
//n should be an array [nx, ny, nz], if not they are all the same
n = [n,n,n];
//calculate the dl of each dimension
var dl = L.map((val,i)=> Math.round(val/(n[i]-1)));
//create the grid
let grid = []
for(let i=0; i<n[0]; i++){
let x = i*dl[0];
let gridJ = [];
for(let j=0; j<n[1]; j++){
let y = j*dl[1];
let gridK = [];
for(let k=0; k<n[2]; k++){
let z = k*dl[2];
return grid;
But I want to extend this by any number of dimensions. I tried to recurse as shown at the question I linked in the beginning but it simply did not work, so I tweaked it a little bit and things got worse, I from that point I just started getting more and more confused. If you can, please help! And thanks a lot!
You can use a loop. It is a great way to solve this problem.
function createGrid(L, n) {
var ans = L
for (i = 1; i < L.length; i++) {
var tmp = []
for (el of ans) {
innerTmp = []
for (j = 0; j < L.length; j++) {
innerTmp.push([el, L[j]])
ans = tmp
return ans