
issue with tkinter messagebox

I'm using several tkinter messageboxes in my code. But ive noticed a problem with the showinfo messageboxes I've used in my code. Basically, I want a function to be called when the ok on the messagebox is pressed. Also, the user can choose not to proceed by just closing the messagebox. But, it looks like when I press the x icon to close the messagebox, the function is still called. Here is a minimum reproducible code to explain what i mean.

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox

root = Tk()

def func() :
    Label(root,text="This is the text").pack()

msg = messagebox.showinfo("Loaded","Your saved state has been loaded")
if msg == "ok" :


My question is, What should i do so that the function is not called when the x icon is pressed?


  • There are different types of messagebox, the one your using here is not what you actually should be using for your case. What you want is something called askyesno, or something that is prefixed by 'ask' because your code depend upon the users action. So you want to 'ask' the user, like:

    from tkinter import *
    from tkinter import messagebox
    root = Tk()
    def func() :
        Label(root,text="This is the text").pack(oadx=10,pady=10)
    msg = messagebox.askyesno("Loaded","Your saved state has been loaded")
    if msg: #same as if msg == True:

    Here, askyesno like other 'ask' prefixed functions will return True or 1 if you click on the 'Yes' button, else it will return False or 0.

    Also just something I realized now, showinfo, like other 'show' prefixed messagebox function, returns 'ok' either you press the button or close the window.

    Some more 'ask' prefixed messageboxes ~ askokcancel, askquestion, askretrycancel, askyesnocancel. Take a look here