Seeing an interesting issue, not sure this is to do with parser or the way it suppose to parse. Any help is appreciated
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def dMatch = '''[{"match":{"keyId":"A-102161-application"}},{"match":{"keyId":"A-102162-application"}},{"match":{"keyId":"A-102163-application"}},{"match":{"keyId":"A-102164-application"}},{"match":{"keyId":"A-102165-application"}}]'''
println "T1:: List: " + dMatch
def parser = new JsonSlurper()
def exclude = parser.parseText(dMatch)
println "T2:: Obj: " + exclude.toString()
println "----------------------------------------------------"
Output :
T1:: List: [{"match":{"keyId":"A-102161-application"}},
T2:: Obj: *[[match:[keyId:A-102161-application]],
The parsed object supposed to be same as the string but all the values were converted as array list of map.
Any idea why this is generating object like this ? When this is sent to camunda it complains
org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException: Cannot serialize object in variable 'exclude': groovy.json.internal.LazyMap
Use JsonSlurperClassic()
- it produces standard HashMap
that is serializable.
And if you want to convert object back to json use Json output.toJson(obj)