I have the following function:
<K, P, Q> Map<K, List<Q>> convert(Map<K, ? extends List<? extends P>> input) {
return HashMap.empty();
I am calling it in the following way:
Map<Integer, List<? extends String>> stringMap = HashMap.empty();
Map<Integer, List<? extends Double>> doubleMap = HashMap.empty();
Map<Integer, List<Boolean>> stringMapConverted = convert(stringMap);
Map<Integer, List<Boolean>> merged = stringMapConverted.merge(convert(doubleMap));
However, I want to do this without having to create a temporary variable first.
Something like this:
Map<Integer, List<? extends String>> stringMap = HashMap.empty();
Map<Integer, List<? extends Double>> doubleMap = HashMap.empty();
Map<Integer, List<Boolean>> merged = convert(stringMap).merge(convert(doubleMap));
However, I am getting a compilation error here:
'merge(io.vavr.collection.Map<? extends java.lang.Integer,? extends io.vavr.collection.List<java.lang.Object>>)' in 'io.vavr.collection.Map' cannot be applied to '(io.vavr.collection.Map<java.lang.Integer,io.vavr.collection.List<? extends java.lang.Double>>)'
Required type: Map<? extends Integer,? extends List<Object>>
Provided: Map<Integer,List<? extends Double>>
I also tried casting explicitly:
Map<Integer, List<Boolean>> merged2 = ((Map<Integer,List<Boolean>>)convert(stringMap)).merge(doubleMap);
but its throwing a compilation error:
Inconvertible types; cannot cast 'io.vavr.collection.Map<java.lang.Integer,io.vavr.collection.List<java.lang.Object>>' to 'io.vavr.collection.Map<java.lang.Integer,io.vavr.collection.List<java.lang.Boolean>>'
The signature of Map.merge()
is as follows:
Map<K, V> merge(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> that);
The Map and List classes are from vavr.
Use type witness, or so called TypeArguments
mentioned in 15.12 in SE11 JLS to specify the type argument when invoking convert
MethodName ( [ArgumentList] )
TypeName . [TypeArguments] Identifier ( [ArgumentList] )
ExpressionName . [TypeArguments] Identifier ( [ArgumentList] )
Primary . [TypeArguments] Identifier ( [ArgumentList] )
super . [TypeArguments] Identifier ( [ArgumentList] )
TypeName . super . [TypeArguments] Identifier ( [ArgumentList] )
ArgumentList: Expression {, Expression}
Note that we cannot omit the instance name->(this) when using TypeArguments
Map<Integer, List<Boolean>> merged = this.<Integer, String, Boolean>convert(stringMap).merge(convert(doubleMap));