So I a quite new to Python so it may be a silly question but i can't seem to find the solution anywhere.
I have a django site I am running it locally on my machine just for development.
on the site I want to convert a docx
file to pdf
. I want to use pandoc
to do this. I know there are other methods such as online apis or the python modules such as "docx2pdf". However i want to use pandoc
for deployment reasons.
I have installed pandoc
on my terminal using brew install pandoc
so it should b installed correctly.
In my django project i am doing:
import pypandoc
import docx
def making_a_doc_function(request):
doc = docx.Document()
doc.add_heading("MY DOCUMENT")'thisisdoc.docx')
pypandoc.convert_file('thisisdoc.docx', 'docx', outputfile="thisisdoc.pdf")
pdf = open('thisisdoc.pdf', 'rb')
response = FileResponse(pdf)
return response
The docx
file get created no problem but it not pdf
has been created. I am getting an error that says:
Pandoc died with exitcode "4" during conversion: b'cannot produce pdf output from docx\n'
Does anyone have any ideas?
The second argument to convert_file
is output format, or, in this case, the format through which pandoc generates the pdf. Pandoc doesn't know how to produce a PDF through docx, hence the error.
Use pypandoc.convert_file('thisisdoc.docx', 'latex', outputfile="thisisdoc.pdf")
or pypandoc.convert_file('thisisdoc.docx', 'pdf', outputfile="thisisdoc.pdf")