I am getting the following error on installation; I am trying to install Plesk via the :8447 web port. Installation did fail on initial attempt. Server was rebooted and a following attempt was made. Have also removed the installer and downloaded again. Same Error:
===> Performing safe prep-install database actions
Trying to start service mysql... /usr/sbin/mysqld (pid 1688) is running...
Trying to establish test connection... connected
===> Installing psa database
Trying to find psa database... DATABASE ERROR!!!
Database psa found, but version undefined
ERROR while trying to find
Check the error reason (see log file: /var/log/plesk/install/plesk_18.0.31_installation.log), fix and try again
***** problem report *****
ERROR while trying to find
Launching component and product checkers...
Downloading file report-update: 0%
Downloading file report-update: 100% was finished.
Downloading file pool/PSA_18.0.31_4506/examiners/py_launcher.sh: 0%
Downloading file pool/PSA_18.0.31_4506/examiners/py_launcher.sh: 100% was finished.
Error: An error occurred during performing of installation PREP actions (see log for details). Installation was rolled back.
Warning! Not all packages were installed.
Please check if your system services are operable.
Please resolve this issue and try to install the packages again.
Visit https://support.plesk.com/ to search for a solution.
Any help would be great.
mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` -e"DROP DATABASE psa;"
removing the old database did the trick.