I've 6 div and I need that when I click in one div, appear a popup in this div, and if I click another div appear a popup in this other div. I know how to do that in one div, with getElementById, but I don't know how do that in some different div. This is my code:
<div class="novels__gallery popup" onclick="popupFunction()">
<img class="novels__gallery-img" src="images/fantasia.jpg" alt="Camí fantàstic" title="Camí fantàstic">
<div class="novels__gallery-title">Fantasia</div>
<span class="popupText" id="myPopup">Coming Soon!</span>
function popupFunction() {
var popup = document.getElementById("myPopup");
This works for one div, but don't for another div. I supose that getElementsByClassName works but I don't know how to apply correctly it.
You can create one div that will operate as the pop-up, and populate its contents from the source div that was clicked.
I built the function step-by-step so you can easily follow the logic.
The modal is displayed by changing the css display property from display:none
to display:flex
. It is hidden by removing the class that contains the display:flex
, turning it back to display:none
Note that the code looks a bit like jQuery, but it is pure js.
const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);
const mdl = $('#modal');
function popupFunction(e) {
const targ = e.target;
const prnt = targ.closest('div.popup');
const chldn = prnt.childNodes;
const txt = [...chldn].filter((d) => d.className === 'popupText');
const msg = txt[0].innerText;
$('#modal .body').innerText = msg;
function closeModal(e){
z-index: 1;
display: none;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
#modal .body{
width: 400px;
background: wheat;
border: 1px solid orange;
padding: 15px 25px;
display: flex !important;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
display: none;
<div class="novels__gallery popup" onclick="popupFunction(event)">
<img class="novels__gallery-img" src="https://placekitten.com/250/100">
<div class="novels__gallery-title">Fantasia</div>
<span class="popupText">Coming Soon!</span>
<div class="novels__gallery popup" onclick="popupFunction(event)">
<img class="novels__gallery-img" src="https://placekitten.com/240/90">
<div class="novels__gallery-title">Despicable Me</div>
<span class="popupText">That's what I'm talking about!</span>
<div id="modal" onclick="closeModal(event)">
<div class="body"></div>