
Call API inside powershell function

How to call API inside function. this is my url https://www.gov.uk/bank-holidays.json. I am new for powershell can you help me to do this.

function Holiday {
   $list = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri https://www.gov.uk/bank-holidays.json
   Write-Host "$list"


but i am unable to list . can u please help me on that


  • Invoke-RestMethod automatically parses the API's JSON response into an object [graph] - a nested [pscustomobject] instance or an array thereof (in a manner of speaking, Invoke-RestMethod has ConvertFrom-Json built in).

    While very convenient for subsequent OO processing, the resulting objects' display representation isn't very helpful:

    To quickly visualize the result, you can simply convert back to JSON, using ConvertTo-Json:

    function Get-Holiday {
      # Call the API, which returns JSON that is parsed into a [pscustomobject]
      # graph, and return (output) the result.
      Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri https://www.gov.uk/bank-holidays.json
    $list = Get-Holiday
    # Visualize the object for display by converting it back to JSON.
    $list | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3

    An alternative visualization can be achieved by piping to Format-Custom:

    # Assumes that $list was obtained as above.
    $list | Format-Custom

    Output (showing just the first object; note the indicating that the collection contained in the .events property has additional elements that were omitted):

    class PSCustomObject
      england-and-wales =
        class PSCustomObject
          division = england-and-wales
          events =
              class PSCustomObject
                title = New Year’s Day
                date = 2018-01-01
                notes =
                bunting = True
              class PSCustomObject
                title = Good Friday
                date = 2018-03-30
                notes =
                bunting = False
              class PSCustomObject
                title = Easter Monday
                date = 2018-04-02
                notes =
                bunting = True
              class PSCustomObject
                title = Early May bank holiday
                date = 2018-05-07
                notes =
                bunting = True

    With respect to processing, here's an example that accesses the first entry for England and Wales:


    The above yields:

    title          date       notes bunting
    -----          ----       ----- -------
    New Year’s Day 2015-01-01          True