Suppose I am defining a Behavior for an Akka (Typed) actor that will perform a concurrent computation, report its result to the actor that spawned it, and then stop.
If I initialize this actor with all of the inputs to the computation, plus a reference to its "parent", then it will not ever need to receive an incoming message of any type.
I would create this Behavior with Behaviors.setup
, passing it a function that performs the computation, and then returns Behaviors.stopped
Akka (Typed) requires me to provide a result type of some Behavior[T]
for the function that will return this Behavior. And while I could assign to T
the type of the result message that the Behavior will send, that doesn't seem correct. Isn't T
meant to constrain what messages an actor can receive? And therefore, if I define T
in terms of the type of message that the actor will send, am I not "lying" to the compiler?
In fact, this Behavior cannot - and will not - handle any incoming messages whatsoever.
Is there a more correct type that I can assign to this Behavior?
Or am I somehow missing the point of typed actor behaviors?
In the code below, my apply
returns Behavior[ Result ]
, but this is a lie. It won't ever receive or handle a Result
message. (It will only send one.)
import{ ActorRef, Behavior }
object ConcurrentComputation {
sealed trait Result
final case class Success( result : Double ) extends Result
final case class Failure( exception : Throwable ) extends Result
def apply(
argX : Double,
argY : Double,
parent : ActorRef[ Result ]
) : Behavior[ Result ] = Behaviors.setup(
context => {
try {
Success( compute( argX, argY ) )
catch {
case e : Throwable => Failure( e )
// Never mind what's actually being done.
def compute( x : Double, y : Double ) : Double = ???
In general it is used Behaviors.setup[Nothing] for behaviors that don´t receive any message. It is supposed that an actor receives messages, but sometimes they don´t. For example, when you create an ActorSystem in Akka Typed you need to provide a Behavior for the user guardian actor, this actor is not going to receive any message, and you create the behavior for that actor as Behavior[Nothing].
This type represents that this actor can not receive any message because "there exist no instances of this type" (Nothing type).