
Clover XML Report - Classes and Trait coverage formula

I am working on a customized application to parse through the clover.xml report. Just wondering if anybody knows which is the correct formula to get the Classes and Traits total coverage percentage.

Here's the formulas that I found for Lines and Functions&Methods coverage:

// TPC = (coveredconditionals + coveredstatements + coveredmethods) / (conditionals + statements + methods)
phpMetric.project = (((phpMetric.coveredconditionals + phpMetric.coveredstatements + phpMetric.coveredmethods) / (phpMetric.conditionals + phpMetric.statements + phpMetric.methods))) * 100;
// Lines coverage formula - LTPC = (coveredstatements / statements) * 100
phpMetric.lines =  ((phpMetric.coveredstatements / phpMetric.statements)* 100);
// Functions and Methods coverage formula - FMTPC = (coveredmethods / methods) * 100
phpMetric.functions =  ((phpMetric.coveredmethods / phpMetric.methods)* 100);

And this is the metrics from clover.xml

<metrics files="10070" loc="1354443" ncloc="1110810" classes="8575" methods="46082" coveredmethods="31707" conditionals="0" coveredconditionals="0" statements="561696" coveredstatements="371009" elements="607778" coveredelements="402716"/>

Update: The information that I wanna extract from the report is the column Classes and Traits, the total coverage %. Total Coverage Report



  • I don't know anything about clover, but - if I understand you correctly - you can use php (which is tagged in your question) do something like the following. Obviously, you can then modify it as necessary:

    $cloverstr = <<<SOMEXML
       <metrics files="10070" loc="1354443" ncloc="1110810" classes="8575" methods="46082" coveredmethods="31707" conditionals="0" coveredconditionals="0" statements="561696" coveredstatements="371009" elements="607778" coveredelements="402716" />
    $xml  = simplexml_load_string ($cloverstr);
    $coveredmethods = $xml->xpath("//metrics/@coveredmethods");
    $methods = $xml->xpath("//metrics/@methods");
    $coveredstatements = $xml->xpath("//metrics/@coveredstatements");
    $statements = $xml->xpath("//metrics/@statements");
    $coveredelements = $xml->xpath("//metrics/@coveredelements");
    $elements = $xml->xpath("//metrics/@elements");
    $TCP = ($coveredmethods[0] / $methods[0]) * 100;
    $LTPC = ($coveredstatements[0] / $statements[0]) * 100;
    $XYZ = ($coveredelements[0] / $elements[0]) * 100;
    echo ("TCP: " . $TCP . ' </br> ');
    echo ("LTPC: " . $LTPC . ' </br> ');
    echo ("XYZ: " . $XYZ);


    TCP: 68.805607395512 
     LTPC: 66.0515652595 
     XYZ: 66.260377966955