I am working on a customized application to parse through the clover.xml
Just wondering if anybody knows which is the correct formula to get the Classes and Traits
total coverage percentage.
Here's the formulas that I found for Lines
and Functions&Methods
// TPC = (coveredconditionals + coveredstatements + coveredmethods) / (conditionals + statements + methods)
phpMetric.project = (((phpMetric.coveredconditionals + phpMetric.coveredstatements + phpMetric.coveredmethods) / (phpMetric.conditionals + phpMetric.statements + phpMetric.methods))) * 100;
// Lines coverage formula - LTPC = (coveredstatements / statements) * 100
phpMetric.lines = ((phpMetric.coveredstatements / phpMetric.statements)* 100);
// Functions and Methods coverage formula - FMTPC = (coveredmethods / methods) * 100
phpMetric.functions = ((phpMetric.coveredmethods / phpMetric.methods)* 100);
And this is the metrics
from clover.xml
<metrics files="10070" loc="1354443" ncloc="1110810" classes="8575" methods="46082" coveredmethods="31707" conditionals="0" coveredconditionals="0" statements="561696" coveredstatements="371009" elements="607778" coveredelements="402716"/>
The information that I wanna extract from the report is the column Classes and Traits
, the total coverage %.
I don't know anything about clover, but - if I understand you correctly - you can use php (which is tagged in your question) do something like the following. Obviously, you can then modify it as necessary:
$cloverstr = <<<SOMEXML
<metrics files="10070" loc="1354443" ncloc="1110810" classes="8575" methods="46082" coveredmethods="31707" conditionals="0" coveredconditionals="0" statements="561696" coveredstatements="371009" elements="607778" coveredelements="402716" />
$xml = simplexml_load_string ($cloverstr);
$coveredmethods = $xml->xpath("//metrics/@coveredmethods");
$methods = $xml->xpath("//metrics/@methods");
$coveredstatements = $xml->xpath("//metrics/@coveredstatements");
$statements = $xml->xpath("//metrics/@statements");
$coveredelements = $xml->xpath("//metrics/@coveredelements");
$elements = $xml->xpath("//metrics/@elements");
$TCP = ($coveredmethods[0] / $methods[0]) * 100;
$LTPC = ($coveredstatements[0] / $statements[0]) * 100;
$XYZ = ($coveredelements[0] / $elements[0]) * 100;
echo ("TCP: " . $TCP . ' </br> ');
echo ("LTPC: " . $LTPC . ' </br> ');
echo ("XYZ: " . $XYZ);
TCP: 68.805607395512
LTPC: 66.0515652595
XYZ: 66.260377966955