I have avsc
schema like below:
"name": "address",
"type": [
"type":[ "null","com.data.Address"],
"default": null
On loading this data in pyspark:
jsonFormatSchema = open("Address.avsc", "r").read()
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('abc').getOrCreate()
df = spark.read.format("avro")\
.option("avroSchema", jsonFormatSchema)\
I got such exception:
"Found recursive reference in Avro schema, which can not be processed by Spark"
I tried many other configurations, but without any success. To execute I use with spark-submit:
--packages org.apache.spark:spark-avro_2.12:3.0.1
This is a intended feature, you can take a look at the "issue" :