
Use jest-mock-extended and Spectator for angular components testing

I'm already using successfully using jest-mock-extended to test services and it works fine for me. It's simple, easy to use and type safe.

Now I have to test Angular components. For this purpose I've found Spectator. I managed to write tests for simple components without services using the SpectatorHost feature. Now I've to test a component with a service that I should mock but I'm really finding hard time to do it.

For this reason I was wondering if there's a way to inject the mock created with jest-mock-extended into the component generated inside with SpectatorHost.

In this way I would also use the same library to mock the services in my project.


  • I found how to integrate the two libraries:

       describe('MyComponent', () => {
          // SpectatorHost object and factory
          let host: SpectatorHost<MyComponent>;
          const createHost = createHostFactory({
             component: MyComponent,
             mocks: [MyService], // Automatically mock service used by the component
          // MockProxy object from jest-mock-extended
          let myServiceMock: MockProxy<MyService>;
          // Init and reset service before each test
          beforeEach(() => {
             myServiceMock = mock<MyService>();
          it('...', () => {
             // Mock whatever function in the service
             host = createHost('<my-component></my-component>', {
                providers: [{ provide: MyService, useValue: myServiceMock }] // Pass mocked service to the component
             // Rest of the test...         