
How can I make function print more results?

so I've been for a couple of hours now trying to do this test and I wanted to produce a very concatenated way to my result using a Tuple and the divmod function, and I finally got to a solution.. But I can't understand why it only prints 1 result instead of multiple.. here is my code:

def tilt(money):
     amount = [(1,'dollar'),(0.25,'quarter'),(0.10,'dime'),(0.05,'nickel'),(0.01,'pennie')]
     total = {}
     for amount_value, amount_name in amount:
         if money >= amount_value:
             number_amount, money = divmod(money, amount_value)
             total[amount_name] = number_amount
     return total


# result for this is {'dollar': 10.0}

# what I expect is {'dollar': 10, 'quarter': 2, 'dime': 1, 'nickel': 1}

I just cant wrap my head around a solution, and I would like to avoid going in an endless If-Else code to get to this point. I'm sure there must be a simple solution that I'm missing, thanks in advance for your help..


  • I can't comment; But it's probably down to your indentation. If you put your return statement in line with your for loop - you'll get the response you're looking for.

    so that it is as follows:

    def tilt(money):
        amount = [(1, 'dollar'), (0.25, 'quarter'), (0.10, 'dime'),
                  (0.05, 'nickel'), (0.01, 'pennie')]
        total = {}
        for amount_value, amount_name in amount:
            if money >= amount_value:
                number_amount, money = divmod(money, amount_value)
                total[amount_name] = number_amount
        return total