
Error showing when Delete image in laravel

I want to delete images that I store in server,

I store images like this

 $image1 = $postData['img']['0']->store('public');
 $Add->Img1 = str_replace('public/', '', $image1 );

images save in public/storage folderenter image description here

I display images like this

<img src="{{ asset('/storage/'.$add->Img1)}}">

so I need to delete this image using a tag like this

<a href="{{route('deleteImg',[app()->getLocale(),'id'=>$add->Img1]) }}" class="btn">Remove</a>

this is my route

Route::get('/deleteImg/{id}', 'AlladdsController@DeleteImg')->name('deleteImg'); 

this is my controller for delete images

public function DeleteImg (Request $request, alladds $alladds)
   $img= request('id');

   if(Storage::delete('/public'.'/'.$img)) {
         return   'file is deleted';
     else {
        return   'file is not deleted';
  return redirect()->back();

but this code is not working, what I want to do correct this code


  • Your route is injecting the id into the method DeleteImg(), but you have a different field catching the injected id.

    This routing:

    Route::get('/deleteImg/{id}', 'AlladdsController@DeleteImg')->name('deleteImg');  

    pushes id into the method as the argument after $request.

    I don't know what alladds is, and it doesn't seem to be used, so I suggest following Laravel convention and re-write the method input like so:

    // Note lower case to match route method and std.
    public function deleteImg (Request $request, $img){ ... }

    This will inject whatever you are sending into the route right into the method. This will fix the mismatch error (if that was even an error -- not sure as you didn't say what the exact issue was).

    Also - note you are calling the asset from storage directory and then trying to delete the image from public- these are two different places, and may well be the cause of the error - perhaps one of these locations is incorrect and thus you are trying to delete (or call) from an area where it doesn't exist.