I have kind of python dictionary key value row and columns which look as snippet below. What I want to do is that I want to add a new field 'another_new_field' at row index 0 and column index 0.
I use dpath library to do this and here I what I tried to do
import dpath.util
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
ext_rows = [ { 'row': [ { 'column': [ { 'col': [ {'class': 'bg-success text-white'},
{'field': ['text01']}]},
{ 'col': [ {'class': 'bg-info text-white'},
{'field': ['text1']}]},
{ 'col': [ {'class': 'bg-secondary text-white'},
{'field': ['text2']}]}]}]},
{ 'row': [ { 'column': [ { 'col': [ {'class': 'bg-primary text-white py-3'},
{'field': ['text3']}]},
{ 'col': [ {'size': 6},
{'class': 'bg-primary text-white py-3'},
{'field': ['text3']}]}]}]}]
# at row 0, col0 add new field 'another_new_field'
dpath.util.set(ext_rows, '[0]/row/*/column/0/col/*/field', ["another_new_field"])
# [ { 'row': [ { 'column': [ { 'col': [ {'class': 'bg-success text-white'},
# {'field': ['another_new_field']}]},
# { 'col': [ {'class': 'bg-info text-white'},
# {'field': ['text1']}]},
# { 'col': [ {'class': 'bg-secondary text-white'},
# {'field': ['text2']}]}]}]},
# { 'row': [ { 'column': [ { 'col': [ {'class': 'bg-primary text-white py-3'},
# {'field': ['text3']}]},
# { 'col': [ {'size': 6},
# {'class': 'bg-primary text-white py-3'},
# {'field': ['text3']}]}]}]}]
As see in result, it does not append a new field, but it replace the existing value with new field instead. But I want it to be this:
[ { 'row': [ { 'column': [ { 'col': [ {'class': 'bg-success text-white'},
{'field': ['text01','another_new_field']}]},
{ 'col': [ {'class': 'bg-info text-white'},
{'field': ['text1']}]},
{ 'col': [ {'class': 'bg-secondary text-white'},
{'field': ['text2']}]}]}]},
{ 'row': [ { 'column': [ { 'col': [ {'class': 'bg-primary text-white py-3'},
{'field': ['text3']}]},
{ 'col': [ {'size': 6},
{'class': 'bg-primary text-white py-3'},
{'field': ['text3']}]}]}]}]
How can I do that? Thanks.
What you want is to get the list at key field and append data to it:
dpath.util.get(ext_rows[0], "/row/*/column/0/col/*/field").append("another_field")